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The Collingwood Arboretum

The Collingwood Arboretum, a 5-acre oasis situated at the north end of Hickory Street in the Town of Collingwood, is a cherished part of the town's open space and trails system.

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Since its inception in the late 1990s, the Collingwood Garden Club and its members have dedicated themselves to maintaining and enhancing the Collingwood Arboretum as a serene haven for contemplation and reflection for residents and visitors alike.​​

Operated under a renewable license from the Town of Collingwood, the Collingwood Garden Club:

  • Administers the dedication program for trees, shrubs, and benches within the Arboretum.

  • Plants, cares for, and oversees the maintenance of over 200 dedicated trees and shrubs, 13 benches, and both native and ornamental gardens.

  • Ensures plant health through regular site inspections and provides preventative and emergency arboricultural care, supported by arborists on long-term retainer to the Collingwood Garden Club.

  • Conducts plant sales and workshops within the Arboretum, with permits granted by the Town of Collingwood.


If you are interested in dedicating a tree or a shrub (limited supply) or for any other inquiries related to the Arboretum, please contact the Collingwood Garden Club by Clicking Here.

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